Twilight Pictures




Edward and Bella


Vampire Ball !!!




Jasper Hale

Jasper and Alice


Jasper and Jacob 

Jacob Black 

Before and After!!! He had to get "big" for New Moon




Emmett and Alice


 Rosalie and Emmett

Emmett and Jacob


Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie 


Emmett, Alice, and Jasper


Emmett and Esme 


 Cullen Cafeteria

"EATING" Lunch

Carlise and Esme 


Carlisle and Edward


Carlisle, Edward, and Rosalie


James, Edward, Jacob, and Bella


The Cullen Family !!!!!!!!

James and his Enemies and Fellow Vampires


Angela and Eric


 Interview with Edward

and Bella in Germany

Vanity Fair Magazine and Kodax pics


Cullen Family House


Edward's Volvo

Alice and Her Car


The Tyra Banks Show

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